Five States of Mind

Five States of Mind

Our Mind keeps wandering into five unique states . Lets explore the yogic philoshophy of five states of mind.

Yoga philosophy narrates the different states of mind as per the level of consciousness and level of understanding that the person contains. As we all are aware that each individual thinks differently and acts differently. Every person has different behavior and temperament. Everyone reacts differently even in the same situation. Yogis have done a deeper observation and analysis of different states of mind, so they are categorized into 5 levels ie the five states of mind.

Even to understand these different states of mind we first need to have a basic understanding of three Gunas or three attributes of nature, which are sattva (light/spontaneous) rajas (dynamic/possessive) tamas(dark/inert) to understand three Gunas read our article in the same topic.

1. Mudha: Stupefied mind– This state is occupied with Tamas or inertia. where rajas and sattva are dominated and are barely available. The outcome of this state is anger, desire, greed, and attachment. When the mind is filled with tamas, a person drowns in ignorance, vice, gratification, and other notorious acts. This state is found in low-life tendency people.

2. Kshipta : restless mind– Here Rajas is dominant whereas sattva and tamas are barely present. It causes affinity, and when desires are not met then comes resentment. The outcome of this state is virtue-vice, attachment-detachment, knowledge-ignorance, goodwill-bad will. When tamas dominates satva in this state the person is inclined to vice and ignorance etc. But when stava dominates tamas in that period person affiliated the self with virtue, knowledge, etc. Normally this is the state of laymen in the world.

3. Vikshipta : Distracted Mind– Satva or light is predominant in this state. rajas and tamas are negligible. This state of mind is achieved through selfless action, and refraining from affinity-resentment, desire-anger, and greed attachment. As satva persists then a person prefers to be involved in virtue, dispassion, and prosperity. Still gets disturbed because of the presence of rajas. This state is found in novice seekers of truth.

4. Ekagra : One pointed mind– This is the spontaneous state of mind (Chitta) where it indulges in only a single subject. Where rajas and tamas are absolutely absent, and the mind is crystal clear. At this point, the mind illuminates the real attributes of all the subjects from atom to gross. The ultimate state here is Viveka khyati (achievement of all the knowledge). In this state of mind samadhi occurs, still there is a thin line between self and the supreme. Here all the attributes of nature are revealed.

5. Niruddha : Controlled mind– Once with knowledge of true self the supreme is revealed then one enters into complete dispassion. where he realizes whatever the mind was perceiving before was only an illusionary image like in a dream. Here even the distinguished line between self and supreme is dropped. As the modifications of the mind have vanished. In this state, nothing remains to be known and as a result, all the seeds of karma and klesha (the root cause of the pain) are burnt. And this state of mind remains in higher samadhi free from karma and its bondage. And one gets free from the cycle of life and birth.

It is the goal of yoga philoshophy to understand about the nature of mind and how we can understand, observe and use it for the betterment of us and the universe itself. For this, sage Vyasa in ancient times, in his commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Surta, made modeled the five states of mind.. 

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