Yogic life with Bodhidham

Bodhi comes from the Sanskrit term Budh which means to awake, understand, and realize. It also includes the knowledge and intelligence with accessing ‘buddhi’ which is the faculty of discrimination. Dham means the abode of the Lord, where only divine consciousness prevails.

So, the BODHIDHAM is a Vision to foster peace, harmony, and bliss through various yogic activities as a preparation. Where we focus ultimately to achieve the state of supreme joy through authentic traditional yoga and meditation. Bodhidham yoga and spiritual retreat Ashram is determined to offer one of the best yoga teacher training in Nepal, Relaxing yoga retreats, destressing luxury yoga retreats, and uplifting nature yoga retreats from experienced yoga masters.


Bodhidham Yoga School and Spiritual Retreat Ashram offers 200 hours yoga teacher training course in Nepal along with nature yoga retreats, standard yoga retreats, luxury yoga retreats, spiritual tours, yoga treks to Poonhill or Mardi, yoga hike to Panchase, meeting the oracle mother yogic workshops, and spiritual guidance, in search of truth. We are proud to share that we are an authentic one of the best yoga school and spiritual ashram in Nepal. You can rely on us for the best yogic experience with traditional yoga teaching and spiritual guidance. Our yoga school and spiritual retreat ashram is based in Pokhara, Nepal. We deliver our service around the world.

According to the Vishnu Purana, “The country that lies north of the ocean and the south of the snowy mountains is called Bharat for there dwells the descendants of the Bharat”.

Bharatvarsha which was later referred to as India, is and has been an epicentre of wisdom and knowledge.

Due to various factors this ancient wisdom was lost to the world, but is now seeing a renaissance and relevance in today’s restless and fast paced world.

One of the Bharat’s greatest contribution to the world is its Yoga science.
Dr.C.G.Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist pays tribute to Yoga science with his words (quoted from Autobiography of a Yogi, by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda) –

“Quite apart from the charm of the new and the fascination of the half understood, there is good cause for Yoga to have many adherents. It offers the possibility of controllable experience, and thus satisfies the scientific need of ‘facts’, and besides this, by reason of its breath and depth, its venerable age, its doctrine and method, which include every phase of life, it promises undreamed-of-possibilities”.

The ancient tradition of Yoga is universal and evolutionary science, preserved and transmitted from ions through an unbroken lineage of exalted beings (yogis & rishis).

Yoga is not a religion as it does not encourage any kind of religious dogma or belief. It is the science of living.

With its holistic outlook, Yoga has many dimensions and multiple facets, each catering to a specific aspect of life and human development; – Hatha, Jnana, Karma, Raja and so on.

Finally all these bypaths leads to one goal – “Union of soul with Spirit” which is in fact the very definition of the term Yoga.


At Bodhidham, we believe and nurture this very philosophy of “holistic development” through a balanced living through Yoga and provides the aspirants a channel through which they strive to attain this union.

“”Swami Vivekananda, Here lies the secret.” 

Says Patanjali, the father of Yoga, 

‘When a man rejects all the superhuman powers, then he attains to the cloud of virtue.’ He sees God. He becomes God and helps others to become the same. This is all I have to preach. Doctrines have been expounded enough. There are books by the million. Oh, for an ounce of practice”

We at Bodhidham emphasizes and encourages the same spirit – Practice, the benefits are inevitable.

But to do the practice the right way, you need to learn the right way from the right practitioner.

Bodhidham has trained many and has helped many in their pursuit to lead a balanced life with the right level of equilibrium between workphysical & mental wellness and for the keen aspirant, the routines supporting his/her spiritual development as well.

Bodhidham understands the importance of connecting with nature in ones yoga practice, the reason why Bodhidham organizes Yoga trips & Treks to give a different environment and perspective for its students and practitioners to come out of their city shells and enjoy their practice in the woods and mountains, one with nature.

The teachers in Bodhidham are ardent practitioners of the Yogic philosophy and Yogic way of living and have spent years practicing Yoga & meditation in highly vibrant spiritual centers of India and Nepal and in the Himalayan solitude.

Sounds promising? Then come, explore what undreamt of possibilities awaits you through your structured, regular and effective practice of the age old science of Yoga.

We at Bodhidham are committed to this cause. Bodhidham Yoga School and Spiritual Retreat Ashram is one the best yoga school and retreat ashram in Nepal

Our Programmes

This program is designed to give knowledge to all seekers of yoga, where it can form a firm foundation where the seeker can build a castle of the spiritual world, transforming ones being from inside out. This course gives a guide map to tread a pathway of unparalleled wisdom toward the soul. Read More

Nirvana is not too far when you step foot in Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha, nestled in the lap of the Himalayas in Nepal near the Indian border. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lumbini has a plethora of ancient stupas dating back to 2000 years and monasteries built by far-flung communities from all over the world. Read More

This is the most popular short yoga trekking destination in the Annapurna region. At an altitude of just 3210 m, it has the most amazing sunrise view over the towering Himalayan ranges. The snow-capped mountains clearly visible from here are the Annapurna mountain range, Dhaulagiri, Gangapurna, Lamjung Himal, Nilgiri, Tukuche peak, Hiunchuli, Barashikar, and Manaslu range. Yoga Trek aims at bringing one close to the pristine stillness of the Himalayas and make one realize his/her oneness with Mother Nature. In these surroundings, Yogic practice come naturally. We are inclined to deliver the best yoga trek, as a sense of yoga retreat and yoga vacation. Read More

With Bodhidham yoga Ashram, in this beautiful retreat resort at the Sarang Kot mountain, away from city chaos & free from pollution. Surrounded by forest, with a panoramic view of the Himalayas. Is a perfect place to destress and recharge yourself with yoga in the morning, guided meditation in the evening, and spa massage in the afternoon, you can have free hiking and free cycling along with Sattvic vegetarian delicious meals. You can select your own dates too. contact us to know more. Read More

Panchase is an easy/moderate trek that is just 2500 meters from sea level at the highest point. And it has biodiverse nature with a lusty green forest with flora and fauna. A beautiful series of mountains from the Annapurna range will be smiling at you all the time during the hike. One can encounter a diverse culture and heritage in that area, where all locals welcoming and affectioned towards the visitors and guests. Read More

We provide the best Nature Yoga in Nepal along with the naturally beautiful city of Pokhara which has always been one of the prime locations for a yoga retreat in Nepal. Read More

Bodhidham yoga and spiritual retreat ashram offers a unique program, a meeting with an oracle mother. If you are going through a rough phase of life and have uncertainties about many things, we are here to help you out. Oracle mother, who has been practicing intense spiritual practice and is blessed by the divine force will guide you to overcome the problems you are facing. she will counsel you and give you the spiritual remedy to reset your life back. You can ask all your doubts and queries without hesitation. She will answer all your doubts. you will have an unparalleled experience of a yoga hike and meeting with the holy mother. Read More

Bodhidham yoga ashram at lakeside offers the best yoga retreat for the budget traveler. Within a city limit, you can rejoice in calmness at our peaceful location. our authentic hatha yoga and traditional guided meditation will boost your energy and refresh you completely. You will get plenty of time for sightseeing and shopping if you wish in the daytime. During the retreat, you can have personal spiritual counseling with our spiritual guide. you will have yoga in the morning and guided meditation in the evening. If you wish to have a spiritual interaction in the daytime. Read More

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Student Testimonials

Choosing Bodhidham for yoga is the excellent decision. It is very important to have the right guide. And when Swami Anand's guidance is there, everything is blissful. So being a part of Bodhidham I strongly prefer this yoga ashram to each & everyone. Amazing thing is, a 2 minute walk will give you a breathtaking view of Fewa Lake.
I was searching for a way to connect my spiritual journey, and I have found that connection in Bodhidham Yoga Ashram. I learn something new in every single class. Swami Anand is an amazing teacher, he is the ocean of knowledge. I would recommend Bodhidham to absolutely anyone, and everyone
A peaceful and quiet place to learn and deepen your yoga practice. With Swamiji's guidance, it's a great chance to deepen your own sadhana. Beautiful surroundings, ease of access to nearby places, homely environment. A place that will always be remembered! 🙂
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